5 Steps for Cleaning Out Your Closet
The new year is right around the corner. It's that time of year when people reflect on the past year and plan for the life they want in the year ahead. With that comes a fresh start, a Marie Kondo mindset, and in our opinion, the perfect time to freshen up your closet. Don't overcomplicate it, clean out your closet using these five easy steps.
1. Outline clothing Categories
Everyone should have at least four types of clothing in their closet:
- Athletic/Athleisure. Workout clothes, leggings, gym shorts
- Casual. Jeans, t-shirts, hoodies, sweaters
- Formal attire. Dresses, dress pants, blazers, nice tops
- Other for all occasions. Boots, heels, ballet flats, necklaces, watches, handbags, earrings, etc.
In addition to the categories listed above you're going to want to add sub-level categories, which are:
- keep (four categories above)
- donate/resell
- throw
2. Pull everything out of your closet
Take everything out of your closet (and I mean everything!!) and put it into piles. Is it a keep? Donate? Throw? Try not to throw it unless it's damaged. If it is damaged, is there a different way you could use it? If you're keeping it, then you'll put it into one of the four categories listed above.
3. Make a map of your closet
Review your empty closet and decide where it makes sense to put things. Is there an area that makes sense for folded sweaters? Should your jeans be folded or hung on hangers? Designate areas of your closet based on the four clothing categories listed above and whether they're folded items or hung.
4. Get organized
Start folding the clothes that need to be folded and hang the clothes that need to be hung. Did you know there's a certain way that's best to fold your clothes? Melissa Maker of Clean My Space walks you through how to best fold clothes in How to Fold Clothes Like a Pro.
Organize your clothes by color within each category. Do this for both the hanging and folded items. Lightest to darkest within each color makes it easier for your eyes to catch what you're looking for. If your folded items go in a drawer, don't stack them, put them standing up across the drawer. If folded clothes are on a shelf, stacking is ok as you can see what everything is from the side. Things that are buried and hard to find don't get worn!
5. Put your closet back together
Work by category and get the items you're keeping to their designated space in your closet. Once complete, pour a glass of wine, stand back and marvel over your beautiful closet!
Does a closet cleanout sound like more of a commitment than you're willing to sign up for? Not a problem, at Veza we offer closet cleanout as a service. We come to you and work with you to make your closet the best it can be. Email info@vezastyle.com for details.